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摘要: 不吃早餐的弊端英语作文?No Breakfast No Good Now a lot of students go to school in a hurry so that they have no time to have breakfast. But not having breakfast...


No Breakfast No Good Now a lot of students go to school in a hurry so that they have no time to have breakfast. But not having breakfast will do harm to their health and their study. Having no breakfast will throw the normal work of our digestive system into confusion. As a result, it will do harm to our health. And at our age it is high time for us to grow up. So our bodies are in great need of energy. If we don't have breakfast,there will be not enough energy to supply. This may stunt our growth. What's more, it is a long period between breakfast and lunch. Breakfast provides us with the energy needed for the class. Without breakfast we cannot get along well with our classes. So for the sake of our health and our study, we must have breakfast. 不吃早餐不好 现在很多学生上学很匆忙,以至于没有时间吃早餐,但不吃早餐会有害于学生的健康和学习。 不吃早餐会扰乱我们消化系统的正常工作,从而对我们的身体健康产生危害。这个年龄段正是我们长身体的时候,所以我们的身体需要大量的能量。如果我们不吃早餐,就不会提供足够的能量,这会阻碍身体的发育。 另外,早餐与午餐之间。的时间很长。·早餐可以为我们提供上课所需的能量,不吃早餐会影响我们上课。所以,为了我们的健康和学习,我们必须吃早餐。


英语翻译 表示不吃早餐的危害

Nutrition is not balanced, low resistance: long-term do not eat breakfast will not only cause the day energy and nutrients intakes, and generally to the morning at ninety, there will be hungry phenomenon, caused by excessive friction lining the gut wall, intestinal mucosal damage, cause digestive system diseases caused by malnutrition, thus, rece, the body's immune system the resistance will greatly decrease the body.

英语翻译 表示不吃早餐的危害


不吃早餐的危害性有如下:对大脑的危害。虽说脑组织的重量只占人体重的2-3%,但脑的血流量每分钟约为800毫升,耗氧量每分钟约为45毫升,耗糖量每小时约为5克。青少年的脑组织正处于发育期,血、氧、葡萄糖的需求量比成人还高。如血糖过低,脑意识活动就会出现障碍,长期如此,势必影响脑的重量和形态发育。 对消化系统的危害。正常情况下,头天晚上吃的食物经过六小左右就从胃里排空进入肠道。第二天若不好吃早餐,胃酸及胃内的各种消化酶就会去“消化”胃粘膜层。长此以往,细胞分泌粘液的正常功能就会遭到破坏,很容易造成胃溃疡及十二指溃疡等消化系统疾病。 造成动脉硬化且更易导致肥胖。有不少青少年学生是怕长胖而不吃早餐的。这种做法毫无科学道理。人体对热量的需求是有标准的,不吃早餐,势必加大中、晚餐的进食量。而晚餐后一般运动量较小,更容易造成脂肪积累而导致肥胖。另外,长期不吃早餐还会使胆固醇、脂蛋白沉积于血管内壁,导致血管硬化。 反应迟钝:早饭是大脑活动的能量之源,如果没有进食早餐,体内无法供应足够血糖以供消耗,便会感到倦怠、疲劳、脑力无法集中、精神不振、反应迟钝。 慢性病可能“上”身:不吃早餐,饥肠辘辘地开始一天的工作,身体为了取得动力,会动用甲状腺、副甲状腺、脑下垂体之类的腺体,去燃烧组织,除了造成腺体亢进之外,更会使得体质变酸,患上慢性病。 肠胃可能要“造反”:不吃早餐,直到中午才进食,胃长时间处于饥饿状态,会造成胃酸分泌过多,于是容易造成胃炎、胃溃疡。 便秘“出笼”:在三餐定时情况下,人体内会自然产生胃结肠反射现象,简单说就是促进排便;若不吃早餐成习惯,长期可能造成胃结肠反射作用失调,于是产生便秘。 更靠近肥胖族:人体一旦意识到营养匮乏,首先消耗的是碳水化合物和蛋白质,最后消耗的才是脂肪,所以不要以为不吃早饭会有助于脂肪的消耗。相反,不吃早饭,还会使午饭和晚饭吃得更多,瘦身不成反而更胖。



Good Eating Habits Nowadays more and more middle school students do not pay enough attention to their health.Some get into a habit of not having breakfast,some like eating snack and junk food,and others eat too much.All these would bring about health problems.They can be short of nutrition,get overweight and suffer diseases more easily.In my opinion,we middle school students are supposed to have breakfast,because not having breakfast would do harm to our bodies.We'll feel hungry can't do well in our lessons in the moring.What's more ,we need energy to deal with all kinds of problems in our studies.


不吃早餐的危害和吃早餐的重要性 英文 初一

If you don"t eat breakfast your brain wiil don"t keep clear and you wiil not do something well you will even be ill so you should eat breakfast everyday because it"s good for you and let you do everything better and help you keep healthy .如果你不吃早餐,你的大脑将不会保持清醒 你也将不会出色的完成一些事情甚至会得病。所以你应该每天吃早餐因为它对你的身体有益并且让你更好的完成所有事情同样帮你保持健康

不吃早餐的危害和吃早餐的重要性 英文 初一


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